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Coronavirus... probably the most frequently uttered term these last months.

But what are some of the basics to know about the virus itself?

Coronaviruses have earned their name from superficial protuberations reminiscent of a crown visible under an electron microscope. They can infect humans and a number of animal species, and can spread from animals to humans. Currently, there are seven coronavirus varieties known to induce human infection and disease. Diseases caused by coronaviruses vary in severity, running from simple cases of the common cold to more serious respiratory illnesses. The now oft-mentioned, so called “novel” coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was identified late 2019 in China. The disease caused by it is termed COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019). Passed into the environment through coughing, sneezing, or exhalation, the virus mostly spreads via droplet infection. The virus can get on people’s hands when they touch contaminated surfaces or objects, and into the body upon a touch of the face, mouth, or nose. Persons of any age are susceptible to infection by the virus. About 80% of those infected will undergo the viral episode without symptoms. Children and young adults are also in this group; it is possible for them to be virus carriers.

Unfortunately, a lot of misinformation is being circulated about this subject these days. If you are interested in consulting an infectious disease specialist who is an expert in the field and has treated COVID positive patients, we recommend our coronavirus advisory service – see the menu item “online consultancy”. To receive satisfactory and valid answers to your questions, book a coronavirus consultancy appointment now.

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