To book an appointment, all you need is a computer, smart phone or tablet with an internet connection.
Select physician
If you see a list of doctors, select the one you prefer to consult with. If there are no multiple options, this means that the specialty you chose has a single consultant assigned to it. If you have no preference, it is possible to consult with the earliest available doctor within the specialty; choose the option that says ‘any available’.
Select date and time
Once done with your required specialty and consultant, please select an available time bracket (year, month, day, hour, minute) and click Continue.
Enter your details
Please provide the information required by the system (name, phone number, e-mail – note that this email will be used to send you your personal consultancy link through which you can use the service; handle this confidentially). If the billed entity is other than yourself, please provide billing details; this is followed by entering a discount coupon code if you have one, and clicking the ‘start payment’ button.
Payments are processed through the encrypted system of Stripe, an international financial provider; in the transaction, you share your financial data (card number, expiry date, CVC code) with Stripe's system only.
A successful booking is confirmed through an e-mail sent to you with the appointment details in it. You will receive another e-mail 24 hours before your session; this will include general information on the consultancy, the link you’ll click to join it, etc.
Online consultancy
All you have to do is click the link to join the consultancy and start your session. You will have the option to decide if you need audio only or both audio and video when talking to your doctor. We recommend that you begin the joining process about 5 minutes before the session’s scheduled start so that the consultancy talk can take place without delay. If there are technical difficulties, we will contact you through the phone number you provided.
At least 4 to 6 weeks prior to travel.
Except for Europe, North America, and Australia, which can generally be considered safe areas, travelers to all countries are strongly advised to inquire about vaccination needed before going. However, vaccination advice for these safe destinations is subject to activities planned (e.g. hunting, wilderness trekking, festival attendance, charity work, ongoing local epidemics, special patient groups).
It must be noted that persons entering the United States or Canada to undertake studies, and those requesting a United States residence visa, are required to certify their possession of certain vaccination with their International Vaccination Certificate, which is also issued by International Vaccination Centers.
It is possible to phone in and schedule a vaccination counseling session on days as shown on this site. These calls are between the vaccine recipient and non-medical staff. Mandatory and recommended vaccination also depends on several conditions: travel destination, length of stay, purpose of stay and main activities, traveler’s age, prior vaccination, underlying conditions, regularly taken medication, etc. Therefore, such a specific question from a caller cannot be immediately answered.
Medical documentation if you have ongoing chronic diseases, major surgery in recent history, known immune deficiency, immunosuppressive treatment, or neoplastic disease; a list of currently taken medication.
Documentation of prior vaccination (booklet or International Vaccination Certificate)
Travel-related data registration, prior disease history, review of past vaccination, listing of mandatory as well as recommended vaccination for upcoming travel, miscellaneous other advice, physical examination if needed, assessment of vaccine eligibility, listing of possible vaccine reactions, signing of vaccination consent, preparation of vaccine material, administration of vaccines, early observation.
(Approx. 40-50 minutes)
For multiple unit vaccine series, writing up of vaccination schedule, consultation on dates.
When the vaccine is part of a series, the visit is limited to administration and observation.
(Approx. 35 minutes)
Vaccines available from us and their administration are client-requested, not part of mandatory campaign vaccination, thus we operate as a paid service.
Base fee/consultation fee, vaccine administration fee, price of vaccine; if applicable: vaccine documentation fee, laboratory sample collection, processing, evaluation fee.
Prices shown are of course per capita; we deal with each person of your family individually.
A group discount is available on consultation requests by at least three persons.
Consultation, examination, and vaccine administration are carried out by medical specialists in infectious diseases or immunology.
Vaccine volumes are usually 0.5 to 1 mL; they come in pre-filled syringes complete with a short needle for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration. Vaccines are administered after bringing them to room temperature. The procedure involves minimal pain; bleeding is not typical.
Possible vaccine reactions are listed on the label in categories of frequency and are all read aloud before administration. Generally, most of our vaccine recipients experience no vaccine reactions at all; if they do, the most common symptoms are elevated temperature, fever, general malaise, fatigue, and “heavy arm” sensation. For clients with intense aversion to vaccines or documented significant vaccine reactions in their history, individual judgment on their risks against benefits ratio is required.
This, again, depends on many factors; most vaccines produce immunity in 7 to 28 days. In cases when travel starts sooner than this, we can give practical advice on how to bridge the period until full immunity develops.
Yes, of course. Serological tests, a detailed medical history, and age itself can point to certain diseases having been undergone in the past, as well as immunity status.
Vaccines containing attenuated rather than killed viruses — e.g. yellow fever, Japanese type B encephalitis, inactivated vaccine against infantile paralysis, chicken pox, mumps, rubella — are not safe during pregnancy, and can only be given upon individual judgment, which our vaccination physicians will assist with. However, preparations containing killed pathogens are safe to use in this period as well.
During breastfeeding time, both types of vaccines can be safely given.
- international travel/extended periods of stay
- study trips, exchange student programs
- travel and employment abroad
- travel related to charity work
- travel to extremely high/low temperature destinations
- travel for sports
- travel for exploration
- travel for hunting
- travel to areas struck by epidemics
- pregnant women
- immune disease patients
- users of anticoagulant medication
- patients with severe underlying conditions (e.g. post splenectomy)
- seeking vaccination for your child